10 free attractions in the Central Plains

Yes, we have ten — count ’em — ten unique and interesting museums, parks, rides, and more in eastern Colorado. All free through September 4, 2006. Here’s the secret to free admission: simply download the free “Train Ticket” from Our Journey website, and you’re on your way to a lot of free and fun entertainment.

The 10 free attractions are:

Lincoln County’s Hedlund House Museum – Hugo, CO
Limon Heritage Museum & Railroad Park – Limon, CO
World’s Wonder View Tower – Genoa, CO
Grampa Jerry’s Clown Museum – Arriba, CO
Flagler Hospital Museum & Hal Borland Room – Flagler, CO
Second Central School Museum – Flagler, CO
Kit Carson County Carousel – Burlington, CO
Old Town – Burlington, CO
Kit Carson Museum – Kit Carson, CO
Cheyenne County Museum – Cheyenne Wells, CO