Harmony Park (Montrose)

What: Harmony Park
Where: Montrose
When: School Days:  After 3:15 PM (after school)
Summer, Weekends & Holidays:  Daylight hours

Here’s a great idea: a music-oriented playground for kids!

Cottonwood Elementary school recently added a new section to their playground, and you’re welcome to come play the various xylophone-like instruments, tuned drums, and contra-bass chimes whenever school is not in session.

Even the neighbors like this musical park, since all the instruments produce mellow, somewhat ethereal sounds.

PVC Pipes, colorfully painted to look like an audience, surround the music area. Benches provide a place for a live audience to enjoy the impromptu performances as well.

Cottonwood Elementary School
3500 Woodgate Rd
Montrose, CO 81401

(970) 249-2539

Additional directions:
From US 550 (Townsend), turn East at the traffic light onto O’Delle (by City Market). Drive east 1 block to the “T” intersection, and turn right (Southeast) onto Woodgate. Drive 0.7 miles along Woodgate.

Cottonwood Elementary School will be on your left. Harmony Park is located on the southeast side of the school.

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